novel — Blog — Allen Donnelly

Prints and originals available on Etsy! Other knickknacks available at Redbubble

Allen Donnelly

Artist, Author, Whimsy Merchant

This is the official website of the artist and science-fiction/fantasy novelist, Allen Donnelly.

Filtering by Tag: novel

Cover Story

Evening all!
How the very devil are you?  Glad to hear it/that's a shame (delete as applicable).

On to business.  I was hoping to be able to do a poll kind of thing here but if there's a way to include it on this website then the method is eluding me.
I have an almost finished fantasy novel, currently titled Heroes Wanted, that should be ready for release in the next month or two and I need a cover for it.  To help me decide between the four concepts I've come up with in Adobe Photoshop Elements 11 (PC/Mac) , I thought I'd canvas the opinion of the interwebs.
So please, take a butcher's at these and tell me what you think.  Obviously, these aren't finished but I want to get a feel for which one's best before I really try to polish them up.


Art is hard

Turns out, putting together a cover for a novel is a bit tricky!
We have a little cottage industry type thing going here, combining talented artist types and my childlike scrawlings (which I will post up at some point for the amusement of all), so hopefully the cover will be done shortly.
And then all I have to do is try and get the novel through SmashWords formatting software - from what I've read this may be easier said than done...