Allen Donnelly

Artist, Author, Whimsy Merchant

This is the official website of the artist and science-fiction/fantasy novelist, Allen Donnelly.

The Well Oiled Machine

That's what this operation is. Oh yes, no doubt about it, the Donnelly publishing machine is a finely honed, perfectly balanced, ruthlessly efficient thing, shark-like in its hunger and pursuit of perfection...and it just released a book a day early because the idiot at the keyboard got the dates wrong.

So yeah, The Salvager is out! Surprise! It certainly was to me when I turned my computer on this morning to do some last-minute, pre-release promo.
Somehow, when setting up The Salvager on Amazon, I was sure I'd set it to release on Tuesday the 25th of July. Convinced of it, I was. Now, the more astute among you will be frowning at this point and going, "But Allen, Tuesday is the 26th," and you would be exactly right.
Somehow, I was absolutely positive that Tuesday - which is to say tomorrow as I'm writing this - was the 25th. I couldn't tell you how, why or when my brain decided to commit to this reality, but here we are.
So, er, yeah - please buy it!
It's a cool story with some of the best characters I've come up with (in my less than humble opinion, anyway).
I'd also love it if you might sling a review my way as well!
You can find it on Goodreads here as well!

Currently I've got it setup as an Amazon exclusive to try and take some advantage of their KDP Select thing, but I'm not a fan of exclusivity so I'll be making it more widely available after the first 90 days are up.
Not a lot happening here. Writing, painting, watching red squirrels nicking bird food...