This is the official home page of Allen Donnelly, novelist, amateur artist, mediocre guitar player, enthusiastic baker and general nerd.
His, and by his I mean my, first book, Crystal Eyes, is available from all good eBook retailers (and in paperback from Amazon).
I hope you enjoy it, and even if you don't, any reviews, critiques, opinions will be gratefully received!
If you have any friends who you think might like an action packed, cinematic, post-apocalyptic Western-themed sci-fi novel with a badass protagonist then please let them know - nothing matters more than word of mouth.
If you want to check out more of my writing, take a look at the LIVE WRITING page - a story in the process of creation! - along with the Poetry and Short Stories sections.
Crystal Eyes is now available for pretty much all eReaders, including the Kindle and the Nook
Go HERE for full details!